February 17, 2010

A State of Global Emergency

There is a growing global debt crisis, a deepening economic depression, a new world war, rising unemployment, a planet in jeopardy, and a full-fledged technocratic police state, combined with a heavy military presence, to subdue the American people and oppress anybody who chooses to resist the disorder of things.

And everybody is bracing for impact, from the conspiratorial financial elite to the unthinking and fearful masses, but only one side has the clear momentum heading into this new apocalypse, and they're not cheering for the Saints or raving about Avatar.

These global crises, unnatural for the most part, are presenting great new opportunities for a few inter-connected sociopaths and oligarchs on top of the global heap to finalize a secret global plan long in the making, which at its core involves reestablishing the world's governing system based on a technological-totalitarian centralized model, and would be controlled and manipulated by private banking establishments in tandem with large State bureaucracies. The plan has been referred to by presidents, professors, and bankers as a New World Order, but a more apt description for the current and future disorder of things is a State of Emergency, because when there is no justice and legality, all order is suspect, and where there is no respectable peace, there can be no world or order to impose upon it. What is left is anarchy. And through proper research of recent history, one comes to the troubling conclusion that global anarchy has been the aim of the criminal financial elite all along.

Washington's Blog has documented the fact that the United States is operating under a state of national emergency, which means, in plain terms, the people have no rights. Last fall, President Barack Obama renewed the emergency decree that Bush declared back in September 14, 2001, following the staged 9/11 attacks, but it has been pointed out by Travis of Sanity is Dead blog that the state of emergency was effective on March 9, 1933, in the middle of the last great depression.

Regardless of when the official directive was actually enacted, the point is that it is effective today, so all talk of "voting" and "elections" is null because the American government, as far as We the People are concerned, is beyond dysfunctional; it is not even a government, but a political machine that is engaging war on the American people and the people of the world.

It is highly unlikely that the Feds will assist ordinary Americans in any upcoming catastrophes, whether they are political, natural, or economic in origin. Not only should Americans not expect any help, they should prepare for the worst treatment, because the heartless rulers of America have shown no regards whatsoever to the people of the United States or the rest of the world.

The reasons for governing under a national emergency are obvious. For one, the law of the land is suspended, which allows the executive to go around the Congress and act as authoritatively as it wishes, and secondly, the military's role within the country is enhanced to the point where the federal government can invade its own territories and essentially declare war on any region in open rebellion. Washington's Blog has commented on the secret nature of the decision making process in a state of emergency, which is most beneficial for criminal financial activities:
I don't know whether the official declaration of a "state of emergency" in effect from September 2001 to today was directly used for financial looting. But again, the fear of an existential threat to our country was used to justify the looting.
A majority of so-called "rational" analysts in the media and academia have regarded the fears of a global dictatorship and emergency rule by a criminal elite as paranoia and a feature of conspiracy thinking, but much to their disapproval, such thinking has gained tremendous influence in the public as of late and is becoming unstoppable. It is one of the positive developments of our age that the whole world is getting a reality check, however, it seems America is a little farther behind due to the corporate propaganda machine that is still able to guide political discourse in the country. But such lethal suppression will only make the American people angrier and put them in a stronger position to return their nation towards the path of liberty.

What kind of sane commentary do establishment journalists and media pundits provide? Much of them have went along with the blown-up myth that a majority of organized Muslims, in reaction to American imperialism and Israeli aggression, have declared an all-out war on the West, but major polls in Iran, Pakistan, and even in war-torn countries like Iraq and Afghanistan show that the people of the Middle East prefer peace over war.

And for years official media commentators were allergic to reporting on the subprime mortgage crisis, and when it finally became certain in 2008, they failed to recognize the depth of the crisis, which had its roots in larger financial trends, much of them originating from the dubious activities in large Wall Street banks and the Federal Reserve. And the mainline economic professors were right there beside them, dismissing any evidence that the growth of US and global markets were produced by cheap money and slavery wages. So who is really rational and sane?


Present conditions offer humanity a historical opportunity that can be seized for the good, or, because of deception and ignorance, it can be captured by the same criminal global cabal who have shown no interest in creating a just and peaceful world. But the state of emergency goes beyond America, and much deeper than politics. For one thing, it is not new, and is not necessarily bad. Most would agree that conditions on the planet changed for the bad beginning in 1914, when nations were financed and supplied to fight to the death by a core group of international banksters who then profited immensely from the vast human suffering on both sides of the false conflict. It was at that point when the global war syndrome took hold of our secret rulers and has never subsided since.

With the rise of technological warfare and the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank, which can finance illegal activities and unpopular wars as a private central banking system, the age of modern warfare came to be. Sadly, it has not been an age of war heroes and victorious generals, but of traitorous politicians and universal soldiers who had no other reason to fight and die then to protect their honor and the other men beside them in the line of duty.

But war is only one technique that is used by the criminal oligarchy at the heart of Western politics to enrich themselves and strengthen themselves and their purchased States. The other is economic warfare. David DeGraw of Amped Status has written a new series called The Economic Elite vs. The People of the United States of America, in which he has documented the level of economic heist organized by Wall St. and endorsed by the global oligarchy, and the state of suffering caused by unjust government policies that have spanned generations and across party lines. Of course, this way of doing business is not special to the United States, oligarchies in other nations have distanced themselves from the rest of their countrymen and have used every economic or political crisis to subject the people to their will.

A chief tenet of the new world order is to maintain a class of global oligarchs that have no sentimental allegiance to their particular country, and only pay attention to "global governance" and a planetary structure that overlooks the different regional bureaucracies. The philosopher Martin Buber saw the early signs of this global development. "The coming elite of mankind," wrote Buber in his book Pointing the Way, "which will then also produce biologically the new master race, is founded on the common absence of restraint," (1). Buber also highlighted the true allegiance of Hitler and his willingness to submit the German spirit to a European ruling elite:
Hitler, in whose public utterances the nation is one and all, is, in fact, concerned with a planet-encompassing alliance of the possessors of power to support one another in the preservation of power over the human weal, for the sake of the selection of a new ruling class, which, as he once said, has the right to rule on the ground of its superior race. (2)
Clearly, the idea of a new world order did not arise into our current monstrous rulers' consciousness out of nowhere. For at least a century they have diligently worked to create excuses for a global governing structure, whose ultimate direction is one world rule, and is not based on democratic principles but totalitarian ones. The principal economic model throughout this transitory time has been fascism, and it is the brainchild of criminal monopolists and iron-men like Mussolini who sought that the elite combine the power of the corporation and the state to their own benefit.

Fascism, which can be identifiable today as corporate-state dominance of society in the interests of a criminal global elite, gains hold in nations mainly through a financial or political emergency.

Walter Benjamin, the German philosopher and literary critic, professed that the oppressed people worldwide should activate a real sense of political crisis, and use it as a turning point in the war against their immoral masters. In section eight of his Theses on the Philosophy of History, which appears in his book Illuminations, Benjamin writes:
The tradition of the oppressed classes teaches us that the "state of emergency" in which we live is not the exception but the rule. We must attain to a conception of history that is in keeping with this insight. Then we shall clearly realize that it is our task to bring about a real state of emergency, and this will improve our position in the struggle against Fascism. (3)
According to Benjamin, the transformation of consciousness can not happen without us first realizing that we are in a historical crisis, “a state of emergency,” and that it is beneficial to our standing if we embrace it as our own, and try our best to fix it rather than hang our heads, and wait for a world political global body, or even worse, a religious Messiah, to save us from full collapse.

By dodging the opportunity that the current crisis offers for a free and just humanity, we are dodging history itself. Many people are presently very fearful of the real potential that lives in Man, and his ability to remake his political reality so that he is able to fulfill his inner destiny, but there are historical examples that proves such fear is not always powerful in the minds of the people. In the last century individuals from different societies successfully changed the direction of their governments by participating in non-violent actions such as general strikes, tax rebellions, major protests, and endless marches. So bringing about "a real state of emergency" in society as Benjamin suggested is not as difficult as we imagine because it has been done before, in 1789, and 1848, but this time it needs to be done on a global level and led by individuals who are peaceful in nature and whose ties reach across boundaries and political ideologies.

Instilling a sense of urgency is only meant to set the stage for better things to come. The most important element in achieving a free, just and peaceful world remains a personal duty within our individual selves. Changing the power dynamics of politics is impossible, but changing how we think about ourselves, political leaders, and the nature of government is not. That we should choose to have no central political authority at all is my hope, but it’s not good to be dogmatic about these things. Instead, it’s best to let history play out as it is dictated by a free and educated citizenry in every nation throughout the world.

Michael Badnarik as well as others have proposed that it's time to refresh the tree of liberty but what will revolutionary warfare solve in the long run? We must go beyond violence, and emphasis social education and personal transformation, which have proven to be more capable of producing long-lasting change in human society. To go back to Buber:
Man must change himself in the same measure as the institutions are changed in order that these changes may have their expected effect. If the new house that man hopes to erect is not to become his burial chamber, the essence of living together must undergo a change at the same time as the organization of living. (4)
Real rebellion and change begins with the self, and then extends to civil institutions and laws, so why do we stand by every four years and watch a political sham take place in spite of us? The same unelected few benefit at the people's expense every time, and if a new revolution causes a break in that tradition, it will only be for a little while, because in another fifty years the same instinct to rule society through political means will appear yet again. The solution is to end the central state in all countries, and keep politics at bay. "Politics," said libertarian theorist Karl Hess, "has always been the institutionalized and established way in which some men have exercised the power to live off the output of other men. But even in a world made docile to these demands, men do not need to live by devouring other men."

The State in our time is the equivalent to the all-powerful ring in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings and must be dispensed with in the fires of history. And for that to be possible we must embody the Frodian spirit and support humanity's quest of totally destroying the role of the State in human affairs. No doubt the State has the ability to do some good some of the time, but given its tendency towards destruction and defiance of the people's will, isn't it too great a gamble to keep the ring, as the black king of Gondor would like us to?

Never before in human history has the decision to abandon Statist politics been more clear, and the opportunity to do so is literally at our fingertips. The one ring designed to rule them all, engraved with the markings of the New World Order, is in our hands and we can end the idea of the world state by voicing our opposition to the authorities regardless of the world's circumstance or our own. We will fail if we, as global citizens, agree to a world state in order to end the various global crises, even if we make it democratic, because the power of centralized authority would still be established and operating in the world, which is unbelievably dangerous, no matter if it is for the good. A world state would consume societal energies and redirect humanity's spontaneous will to create and maintain order towards a system that is hell-bent against all free will. As the political theorist Hannah Arendt asked in her essay What is Freedom?
Is it not true, as we all somehow believe, that politics is compatible with freedom only because and insofar as it guarantees a possible freedom from politics? (5)
The irony, which Arendt touches on, is that all our current global crises, from the economic heist by the criminal elite, to the unending and unnecessary wars, stem from the fact that there has been too little genuine politics. Arendt:
Freedom, moreover, is not only one among the many problems and phenomena of the political realm properly speaking, such as justice, or power, or equality; freedom, which only seldom--in times of crisis or revolution--becomes the direct aim of political action, is actually the reason that men live together in political organization at all. Without it, political life as such would be meaningless. The raison d'etre of politics is freedom, and its field of experience is action. (6)
The only person in American politics who has stood out as a real leader with a strong and politically independent base is congressman Ron Paul, who is aware of the important fact that we must commit to politics only until we reach our goal of freedom. And no doubt the world will continue to be in a state of emergency until freedom is won for everyone.

1. Buber, Martin. Pointing the Way. Pg. 155
2. Buber, Martin. Pointing the Way. Pg. 159
3. Benjamin, Walter. Illuminations. Pg. 259
4. Buber, Martin. Pointing the Way. Pg. 179
5. Arendt, Hannah. The Portable Hannah Arendt. Pg. 443.
6. Arendt, Hannah. The Portable Hannah Arendt. Pg. 440.

Alexandria's Link.