March 24, 2011

Unofficial Obama Speaks The Truth

Below is a piece of fiction, a rough draft of what I think President Barack Obama might say if he was ever given a truth serum or forced by a U.S. court or an International Criminal Court to tell the truth to the American people and the world about who he is, whose agenda he really serves, and why his administration covered up the treasonous 9/11 attacks and carried on the most tyrannical policies of the Bush administration.

Unofficial Obama Addresses His Prosecutors, And Defends Himself:

Let me begin by saying that I am not who I presented myself to be to the American people and the world. But I am not a traitor of mankind, which is one of the charges. I am a traitor of America, yes, that I accept, but for a very good reason: America is obsolete, the Constitution is a piece of paper, and the American people are too wasteful of the planet's precious resources. A global government is what we need. We live on a finite and globalized planet in which old national identities and boundaries mean little. The nation-state is a done deal. The technological contract has replaced the social contract. In this reality, it is natural and good to act against your country to save your planet. My motivations and ideals were not transparent, true, but they were always just and good.

I covered up 9/11 because it was the necessary and prudent thing to do as President of the world's largest empire. Chaos would reign if I had listened to the crazy people who were crying for a new investigation. Also, the 9/11 events were useful and served our agenda. And my administration continued the economic, and political policies of previous administrations because first, they were good and I agreed with many of them, and second, the course of human events had long ago pointed in a general direction towards a world government and a new world order. Such a development was natural, and I had to continue America on this course. The goal of a one world government had to be achieved by any means necessary, even the sacrifice of American lives.

People wonder how I rose to become the first black President of the United States of America. The answer is I had nothing to do with it. Everything was given to me: the media attention, the presidency, the crowds, the peace prize, none of which I deserved, but I received them because I was a better salesman than Hillary Clinton and John McCain and the big boys recognized that fact early on and poured money into my campaign. I owe everything to my masters and handlers. Even my name was given to me. My original name is Barry Soetoro.

All I own is a suit and tie. Like most presidents before me, I wasn't much of a leader. I was put into office by the elite to carry out the agenda for world government, and I was happy to do it. I was content that I didn't have any influence on major policy or that I didn't control domestic and world events in my position as the elected President of the United States. I was nothing more than the most overpaid clerk in Washington. My main job was to make sure that every special interest group with public opinion on its side, every corporation with money to spend, every bank with influence in government, and every politically powerful organization was satisfied and taken care of, even at the expense of the safety and well-being of the country and the people. What matters is power, not the people.

I betrayed America and the American people. I'll admit that much and more. And it's true I was not the leader of the free world, but the biggest slave of all. But you don't hear any shame or regret in my voice because I am proud of what I was secretly a part of as President. I am a conscious slave of power, and am happy that my will was of service to the agenda for world government because I have nothing but contempt for freedom, and the people. What is freedom good for? What are the people good for? They are stupid and don't know what's good for them. Is it my fault that they consistently pick the most lying, and arrogant politicians to lead them and tell them what to think? They are their own worst enemies.

They say that I knowingly duped the people, that they gave me their trust and attention and all I gave in return were empty words. But that is a half-truth. What is often forgotten is that the minds of my followers were empty to being with, so all they deserved were empty words and empty promises. I ask you, is that not a fair exchange? Emptiness for emptiness: I call that a natural transaction between tyrants and slaves. Nothing is more fair in nature than that. I flattered the crowd because the crowd likes to be flattered. I deceived the people because they wanted to be deceived. They fell for me because they don't want to rise up to the level of citizens and take on the challenge of change and governing for themselves. They took the easy road of fixing their country's problems, they thought I could change everything in a blink of an eye so they placed all their responsibilities and duties as citizens on me, they thought I was superman, they believed everything I said without double-checking the facts or going over my record in the Senate or my past history, and they did all this because they wanted to remain slaves and have leaders to look up to. I simply gave them what they wanted. Don't blame me for giving the people what they asked for.

Society needs managers and technocrats to run things. We serve the people better than they serve themselves. We know what is good for mankind. We can take the people to places they could not go if they were left to themselves. People can't expand evolutionary horizons and push the species forward, only those in power can attempt such a grand destiny for man and succeed.

The people are clueless about their destiny. But I know my destiny, and it is with the strong and the powerful. What do the people know? They know nothing about the past or the future, about science or history. They are a burden on the planet. We the autocrats and the agents of the autocrats don't recognize the people's will because they don't have any will to speak of. Any time their sad little will creeps up into the course of history tyrants crush it at first sight and get rid of their wishes without any struggle because the people's will is weak. They are flies to be swatted away, not to be taken seriously. Only the will of power is strong enough to save humanity, and save the planet we live on.

Whatever you do, you can't put me down. You can't put the whole conspiracy on trial because it's been in motion for decades. It's too late. Sacrifice me, hang me, but change can not be reversed. World government is inevitable. It is already here. Change is inevitable. America was destined to collapse like all empires and wither away.

Those of us who serve power will find a way sooner or later to put the people in a state of universal sleep, and you know what? They will thank us for it because they are weak-willed creatures who can't stay up through the night. They wish to go to sleep, and stay asleep for good, and I'm here to sing them lullabies so they can get their wish.

I am happy to be a slave of power because power is my friend, and the people are my enemy. Freedom I hate, and treason I love. Mephistopheles I know, and myself, not. That is the way it is, and always will be.

So, go ahead, call me a traitor, a deceitful puppet, and a petty tyrant for helping to establish a new world government on top of America, but I'm not the only one. And your children will thank us later. They will see me and others behind this conspiracy as visionaries and leaders of the planet.