October 17, 2014

To The Displeasure of USrahell, Turkey, Saudi Arabia And Qatar, The Kurds of Kobani Will Not Bend Their Knees To The Barbarians of ISIL

According to the Pentagon and Al Jazeera, Kobani fell a month ago. But it's a good thing the Kurdish fighters in Kobani don't listen to what the Pentagon or Al Jazeera have to say about the fate of their town.

Kobani has survived the economic and arms siege imposed on it by both Turkey and the KRG in Iraq, while at the same time successfully resisting ISIL's repeated assaults. This is a victory against the odds.

Any group that makes both the Pentagon and Al Jazeera eat their words is good in my book, no matter their socialist and radical political ideas.

Al Jazeera has supported ISIL and other like-minded terrorists in Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Lebanon, and Syria. The propagandists of Al Jazeera are waging propaganda campaigns for ISIL against cities like Kobani whose residents only want to live in peace. The least that the Kurds and the people of the region can do is occupy Al Jazeera's media offices, and remind them that they do not have any power over the minds and hearts of the people and fighters in Kobani, or of any other city that is fighting ISIL.